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More from the Yellow Bird’s blog


How to get your stories in the press

How to get your stories in the press

Every business has a story to tell. All too often, however, it’s hard to carve out time to promote it. Applying a structured approach to getting published can make the process so much easier. This presentation shows you how in six easy steps: Identify your stories...

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The power of writing it down

The power of writing it down

Normally we think of content as a planned process of communication; with a key message, call to action and Google ranking in mind. But writing content for ourselves can help in so many ways. Never more so than in the unsettling times we now face. What does putting pen...

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5 easy steps to get writing

5 easy steps to get writing

Adding regular and engaging content to your website is not only good SEO practice, it also helps reinforces your brand and shows your clients you’re engaged in subjects they care about. I love writing copy. I get paid for what I love and have the opportunity to work...

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