How to create case studies with impact

How to create case studies with impact

For many UK businesses, shouting about their achievements just seems, well, a little immodest. Client case studies are ideal in illustrating your great work but through the eyes of those who matter. Not only that, working with a client in this way gives you a much better insight into how your product or service sits within their wider business strategy.

Say something meaningful

What’s worse than having no case studies? Case studies that don’t say or mean anything! They should reflect different elements of your business: whether that be different products or services; different sectors or geographies; or, most powerfully, which client ‘problems’ you seek to address. Segmenting your audience in this way will ensure a breadth of different case studies and will avoid duplication.

Overcome barriers

One of the key barriers in creating case studies is a lack of time – not only yours but your client’s. He or she may happily agree to be the subject of a case study but be hijacked by other projects. Make the process as easy as possible by scheduling a 30-minute call to capture the information you need. Sending your questions in advance helps the client to prepare and collate any figures needed.

8 principles to transform your writing

8 principles to transform your writing

“I notice that you use plain, simple language, short words and brief sentences. That is the way to write English―it is the modern way and the best way. Stick to it; don’t let fluff and flowers and verbosity creep in.”

Wise words indeed from Mark Twain but when time is of the essence, it’s easier to scrap this discipline and type your thoughts straight onto the page. The result? A gush of thoughts which overwhelm your readers.

Regardless of whether you’re writing an email, a business proposal, annual report or marketing brochure, there are 8 common principles that can transform your writing:

1. Focus & meaning

What’s the single objective of this piece of writing? Want do you want your readers to do as a result of reading your content? Do you want them to say Yes to a proposal? Take action by sharing an article? Compel them to change their behaviour in some way or sign up to a cause? Meaningful content should inform, engage or influence.

2. Never forget your reader

Always write with your reader in mind. Have you made any assumptions on knowledge through use of acronyms or technical language? Will a reader who doesn’t have English as a first language understand the words or phrases you’ve used?

Imagine you are talking to your reader. Write sincerely, personally, in a style that is suitable and with the right tone of voice.


Before you start jangling the keys on your keyboard, stop! Make a note of the points you want to make in a logical order.

It might be helpful to consider the AIDA model of marketing and the stages you want your audience to go through as they read your content: (more…)

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